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Wassa Wassa
Today we did drumming as part of the Wassa wassa workshop We will be doing 8 weeks of it between now and June. We all had great fun 🙂
Winner of the colouring competition!
The senior infant winner of the colouring competition was a little girl from our room 🙂 She won two tickets to the musical “Oliver“ in Newbridge College Theatre over Easter. Here is Ms Moore (who is in the show!!) presenting her with her prize.
If any of the other boys and girls would like to go and see Oliver over the Easter it is running from Easter Sunday 20th April with a matinee performance at 2:30pm. From then on it runs nightly from Monday 21st April – Saturday 26th April at 8pm. Tickets can be purchased from the Kiosk or through the booking line on 045-876234.
Enjoy the show 🙂
Two lambs came to visit!
Farmer Vincent brought two lambs to visit us today. One ram and one ewe. They were only 6 days old 🙂