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Posted by: | Posted on: May 29, 2014

School Tour :)

We had a brilliant (if a little soggy!) day on the farm today. We met lots of different animals, fed some of them and held others. Plus we had a fantastic time in the play area. There was lots of rain, but also lots of toys so we didn’t really mind.


Ms Leahy was so proud of all of us on our school tour. Everyone was so good at listening and being kind, and we had a fabulous time. Have a look at our photos (teacher was a little bit snap happy….)


Posted by: | Posted on: May 29, 2014

SCMJ Twitter Project #Irishschoolsummer

We are setting up a Twitter project here in Scoil Mhuire. We want all teachers, parents and pupils to contribute to the project by taking a photo of our beautiful Irish summer and tweet it using the hashtag: #Irishschoolsummer. We want to get as many people involved as possible! Maybe you could take a photo of a school tour, a sunny day or more than likely a rainy day! There are lots of possibilities! Please join in!



Posted by: | Posted on: May 27, 2014

Michael the storyteller

The children got a special treat today as Michael came to visit to tell old Irish legends. The children were enthralled listening to to story of Setanta and another story called The Three Thieves. The children really enjoyed the funny stories!

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20140527-100641 a.m.-36401566.jpg

Posted by: | Posted on: May 26, 2014

Coding for kids

There are some wonderful resources which I encourage you to try out at home. Coding sounds like a scary word but computer science is on the up and we are educating children who know more about computers than we do! They will be looking for jobs in years to come, which have yet to be invented! These apps and websites use coding to create simple animations or games. They encourage problem-solving and logical thinking. I am aiming to give all the children some experience in coding before the summer holidays. You would be amazed what children of this age can achieve when they put their minds to it!

HOPSCOTCH: is an iPad app which uses simple blocks to animate characters on a stage. Learn more about it here.

SCRACTH: is a website which allows you to use blocks to move “sprites” or characters around the stage also. You can learn more here.

CODERDOJO: is a club for kids. There is a club in Naas and I would imagine that it’s only a matter of time before more clubs open locally. More information here.

If you have any questions about coding for kids, or indeed any ideas or extra information, please speak up! 🙂

Posted by: | Posted on: May 23, 2014

Jemima’s Digital Story: Retelling of ‘Baby Owl’

please watch the video i made. first we red a book about baby owl. then we took picthers of the book. next i made my own story. then i showed my class.