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Easter Room 12
The children had excellent fun searching the school grounds for Easter Eggs. We also worked really hard to make bonnets and baskets for the bunny hop. We hope you liked them!
Wassa Wassa
The children have been learning all about African drumming. Turns out that there is some serious rhythm in Room 12! It’s great timing that we are partaking in Wassa Wassa at the moment, as we are learning about Africa at the moment!
We are the Planets
The children loved learning about the Solar System. They made very impressive paiper-mâché planets. Lots of teachers in the school have commented on their work to say how impressed they are! We loved learning about space!
Special visitors in Room 12
Vincent, the farmer, very kindly brought in two lambs into Room 12 for a visit! The children got to pet and feed the lively lambs. The children knew all about lambs after having spent Spring learning about new life.
Community Games
Well done to all the children who took part in the Community Games races last week. Congratulations to the winners! Our next Usain Bolt and Mo Farrah!!