Physical Distancing and Safe School Attendance
Posted by: Ms. Elwood | Posted on: August 12, 202012th August 2020
Dear Parent / Guardian, Staff Member,
We are currently working on upgrading our procedures and routines within the school to ensure that there is as much Physical Distancing as is possible in our building. We will apply physical distancing in a practical and sensible way, recognising that the learning environment cannot be dominated by a potentially counterproductive focus on this issue.
Physical Distancing will be achieved in two ways: –
Increasing Separation. This will be achieved by re-configuring the classrooms to maximise physical distancing, desks will be spaced as far apart as possible and unnecessary furniture will be removed from the room. Each class will be referred to as a bubble and we will ensure that there is as little contact as possible between children in different bubbles.
Decreasing Interaction. This will be achieved by decreasing the potential for children from different bubbles to interact. We are lucky that children can enter and exit the school through the individual classroom doors, as is the usual procedure. Bubbles will have different mid-morning and lunch-time access to the playground, children from different bubbles will not play together on the yard nor will they gather together for any activities. We will make these routines enjoyable activities for the children, emphasising safety at all times.
While all children will be welcome back to school, we would remind parents that If your child is in one of the following categories, they should not attend school –
- Children who have been diagnosed with Covid-19
- Children who have been in close contact with a person who has been diagnosed with Covid-19
- Children who have a suspected case of Covid-19 and the outcome of the test is pending
- Children who have been in contact with a person who has a suspected case of Covid-19 and the outcome of the test is pending
- Children with underlying health conditions who have been directed by a medical professional not to attend school
- Children who have returned home after travelling abroad and must self-isolate for a period of 14 days
- Children who are generally unwell
Further information on COVID-19 symptoms in children is available at: –
Teachers will make children aware of the proper hygiene procedures regarding hand washing and etiquette related to sneezing, coughing or spitting. We would be grateful if you could also emphasise safe behaviour in this regard to your children at home as part of the preparation for returning to school.
Our aim remains to re-open the school in an orderly safe manner, while reassuring the children and making them feel comfortable, safe and relaxed with their friends in the new school environment. This will be achieved by all of us working towards this common goal.
Kind regards,
Eileen Hall Caitlin O’Connor
Chairperson Board of Management Principal