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Posted by: | Posted on: November 17, 2014

This Week’s Theme: Food

This week we are learning about food. In order to further your child’s learning at home, try some of the following:

  • practise saying the words for foods and drinks around the home or in shops
  • ask your child to name the foods he/she is eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner
  • Practise the following phrases:

I am eating….

 I ate …..

I like ….

I don’t like …..

I am hungry/thirsty.

Posted by: | Posted on: May 20, 2014

This week’s theme: Time and Sequencing

We have been learning about time, sequencing and seasons. Here are some tips to help your child with this theme at home:

  • practise saying ‘Good morning’ and ‘Good Night’ each morning and night.
  • talk about the differences between day and night.
  • discuss the time of day – morning, afternoon, evening, night.
  • use the words ‘first, then, next, after that, finally’ in conversation and when talking about past events – eg. when talking about your child’s day at school, birthday party etc.
  • Practise the phrases ‘What time is is?’ and ‘It is … o’clock’
Posted by: | Posted on: March 26, 2014

This week’s theme: Spring

This week we are learning all about the season of Spring. Here are some ideas to help further your child’s learning at home:

  • Chat to your child about Spring.
  • Look at Spring flowers when walking together. Ask your child to name the flowers. (daffodils, snowdrops, tulips)
  • Point out lambs if you see them on The Curragh.
  • Look out for birds’ nests in the trees and listen to the birds singing.
  • Talk about the weather.
  • Look out for leaves, flowers and animals that are growing.


Posted by: | Posted on: March 10, 2014

This week’s theme: My Family

Baraa drew this lovely picture of his family.

Baraa drew this lovely picture of his family.

This week the children are learning all about families. They are learning the words to describe their family members.

To help at home you could:

Talk about your family together. Help your child to answer the following questions:

  • How many people are in our family?
  • How many brothers do you have?I have … brothers. / I don’t have any brothers.
  • How many sisters do you have? I have … sisters. / I don’t have any sisters.

Talk about your child’s extended family – grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins.

Look at family photographs and name the different family members. eg. ‘He is my cousin.’ ‘She is my aunt.’

Posted by: | Posted on: February 17, 2014

Welcome to Ms Elwood’s page

background-20860_640This page is for the children who come to me for extra support with English. We cover a range of topics over various themes and these topics change regularly. If you would like to give your child extra support at home, check this page regularly for updates on what we are doing in class.